Wounding and the Will to Live

An article by Liz Greene.

I came upon this article, by chance one day, as these things usually happen for me. It was to do with where my ‘head was at’ at the time (maybe I was putting the question ‘out there’ and it was being answered, yet again).

I was having some ‘internal’ issues at the time and seemed to feel some sort of push and pull between two extremes of feelings. When I came upon this piece it just seemed to ‘speak’ to me.

It is found filed at this famous astrology website where you can go to and get your FREE astrological chart done on the spot. Plus many many other features:


Here is a little background on Liz, who also holds a doctorate in psychology.


It is a rather large piece so I will just leave a few excerpts and then the link for you to peruse at your leisure.

“Since Chiron’s discovery in 1977, astrologers have been experiencing and exploring his themes, listening to new tales that resound to his ancient myth, and coming to some understanding of his archetypal impact. Now, over twenty years later, Liz Greene sees Chiron as essential in deepening our understanding of solar consciousness; for in order to choose to live life to the full, we have to face that part in us that would rather seek death.

The will to live is a great mystery. Every medical practitioner, with any experience of life-threatening illness, knows that the will to live can affect physical as well as psychological well-being, and survival often depends upon the sick person’s desire for life, rather than on the doctor’s ministrations. Nor is the will to live necessarily what we claim we feel. We may cry out that we want life; but somewhere inside, we want to go home, and this longing for oblivion may be more powerful than any conscious declaration of intent to “get better”.



The Cosmic Laws of Cosmic Awareness

“Awareness tells you not to believe anything, but to question, explore, doubt and discover for yourself what is the truth. Cosmic Awareness only indicates and suggests.”

I came across this given on a forum I once regularly visited. I am not completely sure of it’s origin but I will share it anyhow.

You may have heard of some of these laws before, as I have, depending on your family background.

“Cosmic Awareness is the force that expressed itself through Edgar Cayce, Christ, the Buddha, Krisna, Mohammed and other great Avatars who served as ‘channels’ for the ‘heavenly father’ (our father/mother god) and who speaks again today as the world begins to enter the New Age of spiritual consciousness and awareness.

Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through carefully trained channels. The information contained herein was received from deep trance states and ‘interpreted’ by an entity affiliated with Cosmic Awareness Communications.

This information is for those who inherit the New Age. The New Age is the universal vibrations and the movement of planets, the movement of the sun in its sojourn through its orbit around Sirius in the Orion constellation and the variation that it meets in its movement that determines the Earth ages of approximately 2200 years each, and it is this movement into these new vibrations that trigger certain frequency reactions among the planets of the solar system so that the vibrations are altered on Earth and on the other planets in such a manner that it changes the consciousness of individuals on earth.

It is this that is causing and bringing about the New Age.”



Poems from the Past

This brings me to another poem found amongst my mothers’ things.

Again, it was only a little snippets of the whole, which makes me wonder whether she knew of the whole poem or whether they were just her favorite lines.


To a Child                                

by Christopher Morley

The greatest poem ever known

Is one all poets have outgrown:

The poetry, innate, untold,

Of being only four years old.

Still young enough to be a part

Of Nature’s great impulsive heart,

Born comrade of bird, beast and tree

And unselfconscious as the bee

And yet with lovely reason skilled

Each day new paradise to build;

Elate explorer of each sense,

Without dismay, without pretense!

In your untrained transparent eyes

There is no conscious, no surprise:

Life’s queer conundrums you accept,

Your strange divinity still kept.

Being, that now absorbs you, all

Harmonious, unit, integral,

Will shred into perplexing bits,

Oh, contradictions of the the wits!

And life, that sets all things in rhyme,

May make you poet, too, in time

But there were days, O tender elf,

When you were Poetry itself!

