December – Month of Sagittarius


Sagittarius – The 9th & most independent of the zodiac; freedom-loving; philosophical; broad-minded; expansive; intellectual; travel; optimism

9th House – The endless search for knowledge & wisdom, whether through physical travel or travel of the mind

Quality: Mutable

Element: Fire

Cycle: Universal

Charge: Positive

Motto: I See

Planet: Jupiter

Symbols: The Archer

Colours: Orange; Purple; Light Blue

Flowers: Azalea; Tulip

Birth/Gemstones: Topaz

Metal: Tin

Body: Hips; Thighs

The fire form of Sagittarius is a sweeping forest fire

Positive Traits

Witty conversationalist; humourous; freedom-loving; free-spirited; idealistic; believing; moral; righteous; intellegent; intellectual; positive; optimistic; honest; sincere; confident; enterprising; ambitious; goal-oriented; energetic; active; versatile; adventurous; risk-taking; independent; approachable; warm; cheerful; likeable; warm; sympathetic; generous; extrovert; benevolent; straight-forward; philisophic; athletic; fun-loving; expansive

Negative Traits

Blundering; careless; exaggerative; know-it-all; over-indulgent; tactless; scattered; indiscreet; blunt; childlike; impulsive; temperamental; restless; impatient; loud; obnoxious


Travel & adventure; honesty; justice; law; freedom; meaning; taking risks; gambling or speculation; socialising

You are a person with great integrity, going your own way, rarely following others – nor do you want others to follow you. You do your own thing. Freedom is a key word for Sagittarius. You need to be independent, even though that might lead to limited resources and other difficulties. To you, freedom is a wealth surpassing that of money. Like the archer, you aim far. Your goals are distant, some would say unobtainable, but thereby they are also interesting, not to say spectacular – certainly to you. Only things that seem to be out of reach are worth reaching for.


Routine & chores; being constrained; being tied down; being forced to do things; being doubted; having to explain oneself; being forced to make promises; being bothered by little details

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